When I saw "Using GPT-3 to explain how code works" on HN, I was skeptical. Recently, I was able to access OpenAI. So I played with OpenAI'S gpt-3 Codex. It is still in private beta status. But I was surprised by the result. It was quite useful.
"Go with Test" Gitbook author wrote following steps for code snippets that he will refactor.
1.Write HTTP responses, send headers, status codes, etc.
2.Decode the request's body into a User
3.Connect to a database (and all the details around that)
4.Query the database and applying some business logic depending on the result
5.Generate a password
6.Insert a record
And here is the result from Codex
1.check if there is proper json body or error
2.check if username already exists in users datastore, if so, 400
3.else insert user right away
4.return 200
The golang code I used:
// Registration function
func Registration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var res model.ResponseResult
var user model.User
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
jsonDecoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
defer r.Body.Close()
// check if there is proper json body or error
if err := jsonDecoder.Decode(&user); err != nil {
res.Error = err.Error()
// return 400 status codes
// Connect to mongodb
client, _ := mongo.NewClient(options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://"))
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
err := client.Connect(ctx)
if err != nil {
defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
// Check if username already exists in users datastore, if so, 400
// else insert user right away
collection := client.Database("test").Collection("users")
filter := bson.D{{"username", user.Username}}
var foundUser model.User
err = collection.FindOne(context.TODO(), filter).Decode(&foundUser)
if foundUser.Username == user.Username {
res.Error = UserExists
// return 400 status codes
pass, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(user.Password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
res.Error = err.Error()
// return 400 status codes
user.Password = string(pass)
insertResult, err := collection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), user)
if err != nil {
res.Error = err.Error()
// return 400 status codes
// return 200
res.Result = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", UserCreated, insertResult.InsertedID)
And then, I tried the refactored code
package main
import (
// User represents a person in our system.
type User struct {
Name string
// UserService provides ways of working with users.
type UserService interface {
Register(user User) (insertedID string, err error)
// UserServer provides an HTTP API for working with users.
type UserServer struct {
service UserService
// NewUserServer creates a UserServer.
func NewUserServer(service UserService) *UserServer {
return &UserServer{service: service}
// RegisterUser is a http handler for storing users.
func (u *UserServer) RegisterUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer r.Body.Close()
var newUser User
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&newUser)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("could not decode user payload: %v", err), http.StatusBadRequest)
insertedID, err := u.service.Register(newUser)
if err != nil {
//todo: handle different kinds of errors differently
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("problem registering new user: %v", err), http.StatusInternalServerError)
fmt.Fprint(w, insertedID)
// MongoUserService provides storage functionality for Users.
type MongoUserService struct {
// NewMongoUserService creates a new MongoUserService managing connection pools etc probably!.
func NewMongoUserService() *MongoUserService {
//todo: pass in DB URL as argument to this function
//todo: connect to db, create a connection pool
return &MongoUserService{}
// Register will store a user in mongo.
func (m MongoUserService) Register(user User) (insertedID string, err error) {
// use m.mongoConnection to perform queries
panic("implement me")
// main function
func main() {
mongoService := NewMongoUserService()
server := NewUserServer(mongoService)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", http.HandlerFunc(server.RegisterUser)))
// describe main function and NewUserServer function and RegisterUser
// 1.
1. main function creates a mongo service and a user server
2. main function starts a http server and registers the RegisterUser handler
3. RegisterUser handler is called when a request is made to the server
4. RegisterUser handler calls the UserService to store the user
Of course it is not perfect. You need to express your intensions well enough. But can you imagine the future where Codex is used everywhere? This is more than using Copilot. "Ruby on Rails" became famous in 2000s. Because it was easy to express your thoughts in code and build prototype fast. So lots of startups launched their products quickly and iterated them based on customer insights. From my point of view, Copilot and Codex are helping me to build a product. Soon, it would become like having a senior developer with me.
Is it encrypted? People think Copilot is evil because open source contributors never agreed on this.
On HN this was posted GPT-3 reveals my full name – can I do anything?
What's the current status of Personally Identifying Information and language models?
I try to hide my real name whenever possible, out of an abundance of caution. You can still find it if you search carefully, but in today's hostile internet I see this kind of soft pseudonymity as my digital personal space, and expect to have it respected.
When playing around in GPT-3 I tried making sentences with my username.
end to end encryption is a must. but more than that, we don't know that Codex won't share my data with authorities. It sounds absurd. BUT check out this article.
New documents reveal scale of US Government’s cell phone location data tracking
It will take time to have a codex as a commodity. Even for open source version of similar project requires 200GB of GPU ram. That is about 10 RTX 3090 cards. That is heavy budget for solo founders or for small sized companies. And gathering the dataset is also a problem. I guess big companies like OpenAI or Microsoft would not let it go. They will hold it and build high walls to dominate the market.
Designing would be something that AI can't do better than human(not generating mockups like following examples)
Designing services and digging into customers' pains would be the same. There are things that don't scale.
]]>In these days, I am playing with rust.
Before using cargo-chef, it took 30 min to build a image on raspberry pi 4. even with "AS" layers.
with https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/cargo-chef, the intial build time took almost same but after that, building image took 2m 30s. For beefy machines, it would be much faster but building arm64 images on rpi matters to me because I am using k3s env as my homelab deployment environment.
FROM rust:1.60.0 AS chef
# We only pay the installation cost once,
# it will be cached from the second build onwards
RUN cargo install cargo-chef
FROM chef AS planner
COPY . .
RUN cargo chef prepare --recipe-path recipe.json
FROM chef AS builder
COPY --from=planner /app/recipe.json recipe.json
# Build dependencies - this is the caching Docker layer!
RUN cargo chef cook --release --recipe-path recipe.json
# Build application
COPY . .
ARG DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:[email protected]:5432/myapp_production?sslmode=disable"
ARG TEST_DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:[email protected]:5432/myapp_service_ci?sslmode=disable"
RUN cargo build --release --bin ssr
# We do not need the Rust toolchain to run the binary!
FROM debian:bullseye-slim AS runtime
# Application dependencies
# We use an external Aptfile for this, stay tuned
COPY Aptfile /tmp/Aptfile
RUN apt-get update -qq && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq dist-upgrade && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends \
$(grep -Ev '^\s*#' /tmp/Aptfile | xargs) \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/* \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \
&& truncate -s 0 /var/log/*log
# I use dbmate to mantain db migrations
RUN wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate/releases/download/v1.15.0/dbmate-linux-arm64 \
&& mv dbmate-linux-arm64 /bin/dbmate \
&& chmod +x /bin/dbmate
COPY --from=builder /app/target/release/ssr .
RUN mkdir static && mkdir db
COPY --from=builder /app/static ./static/
COPY --from=builder /app/db ./db/
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
]]>I am hosting my ghost blog on github static page. but I am writing blog posts with ghost instance on rpi.
Description=gssg ghost publishing service
ExecStart=/home/myuser/.cargo/bin/cargo run --bin gssg
gssg is a simple rust actix-web service that triggers gssg in raspberry pi and then pushes to github pages. This is a faktory consumer.
There is another web hook service that is acting as a faktory producer. Because gssg takes time to fetch blog posts and pushing also takes time, this should be done as a long running background job.
here is the webhook part
use actix_web::{get, post, web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};
use faktory::{Producer, Job};
use std::io::{self, Write};
async fn root() -> impl Responder {
async fn health() -> impl Responder {
pub async fn gssg_handler() -> impl Responder {
let mut p = Producer::connect(Some(FAKTORY_URL)).unwrap();
p.enqueue(Job::new("gssg", vec!["rust"])).unwrap();
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
println!("Starting Web server");
HttpServer::new(|| {
.bind(("", 3001))?
and gssg bin. here I am using gssg queue which is same as above.
extern crate execute;
use std::process::Command;
use execute::Execute;
use faktory::ConsumerBuilder;
use std::io;
fn main() {
let mut c = ConsumerBuilder::default();
c.register("gssg", |job| -> io::Result<()> {
println!("{:?}", job);
const GSSG_PATH: &str = "/home/myuser/static-ghost/deploy/update-blog.sh";
let mut command = Command::new(GSSG_PATH);
let output = command.execute_output().unwrap();
if let Some(exit_code) = output.status.code() {
if exit_code == 0 {
} else {
} else {
let mut consumer = c.connect(Some(FAKTORY_URL)).unwrap();
if let Err(e) = consumer.run(&["default"]) {
println!("worker failed: {}", e);
updating blog via gssg
rm -rf /home/myuser/github-user.github.io
cd /home/myuser
git clone [email protected]:github-user/github-user.github.io.git
cd /home/myuser/github-user.github.io
git pull
rm -rf /home/myuser/github-user.github.io/docs
/home/myuser/.npm-global/bin/gssg --dest /home/myuser/github-user.github.io/docs --domain http://local-ip:2368 --url https://mydomain.com
echo "mydomain.com" > /home/myuser/github-user.github.io/docs/CNAME
echo "blog.mydomain.com" >> /home/myuser/github-user.github.io/docs/CNAME
echo "www.mydomain.com" >> /home/myuser/github-user.github.io/docs/CNAME
git config user.name "My Name"
git config user.email "[email protected]"
date > updated_at
git add .
git commit -m "updated on `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`"
git commit --amend --author="My Name <[email protected]>" --no-edit
git push -f
]]>update(2022): I don't use harbor anymore with my local k3s cluster. instead, I am just using registry ui with private registry.
It took some time to find a simple and easy way to deploy registry with UI to my rpi k3s cluster. The official repo does not provide arm64 images and it requires high memory. I found a way to deploy harbor on my rpi 4 cluster.
git clone https://github.com/querycap/harbor.git
cd harbor
make dep
cd components/harbor
app.cue file
package harbor
import (
harbor "github.com/goharbor/harbor-helm:chart"
apiVersion: "octohelm.tech/v1alpha"
kind: "Release"
metadata: namespace: "harbor-system"
metadata: labels: context: "default"
#name: "harbor"
#namespace: "harbor-system"
#context: *"hw-sg" | string
values.cue file
change the tag based on querycap`s harbor/harbor-portal
package harbor
#values: {
host: *"harbor.example.io" | string
adminPassword: *"xxxxxx" | string
image: repo: "ghcr.io/querycap/harbor"
image: tag: "ec0ba11"
install cue and deploy
go install cuelang.org/go/cmd/cue@latest
cuem k show commponents/harber > result.yaml
# edit result.yaml
kubectl apply -f result.yaml
To make harbor more secure, I installed dex
here are the links for installing it
]]>old macbook air(2011 mid version) is a thin client which is running manjaro and I use
]]>In these days, I stay at home most of the time and still I wish to change atmosphere, so I move room to room. When I do that, I use my android tablet.
old macbook air(2011 mid version) is a thin client which is running manjaro and I use it with rpi. rpi is running code-server, ssh, etc. macbook is for keyboard, monitor, web browser. ssh env with port forward is used for coding env. with wireguard setup, code-server and nvim is accesible from anywhere. Most of iPad users are using code-server but I am using Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 lite for that purpose. And the tablet is also for taking notes during meetings.
Gl inet s750 slate(Openwrt) + 8GB rpi + usb ssd is quite nice combination. I just put it in my bag with a power bank and then I am ready to use them remotely.
]]>notes while reading "istio in action"
A service mesh is a distributed application infrastructure that is responsible for handling network traffic on behalf of the application in a transparent, out of process manner.
The service proxies form the "data plane" through which all traffic is handled and observed. The data plane is responsible for establishing, securing, and controlling the traffic through the mesh. The management components that instruct the data plane how to behave is known as the "control plane". The control plane is the brains of the mesh and exposes an API for operators to manipulate the network behaviors. Together, the data plane and the control plane provide important capabilities necessary in any cloud-native architecture
For helm v3.2.4 and k3s arm64 env,
helm repo add querycapistio https://querycap.github.io/istio
kubectl create namespace istio-operater
helm upgrade --install istio-operater querycapistio/istio-operator
Release "istio-operater" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: istio-operater
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar 26 17:43:16 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
for k3s, make sure traefik is not running
k3sup install --ip xx.xx.xx.xx \
--user my_user \
--ssh-key ~/.ssh/my_key \
--ssh-port 22 \
--k3s-extra-args "--disable traefik"
# ssh to the server
sudo rm /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/traefik.*
k3sup join --server-ip xx.xx.xx.xx \
--ip yy.yy.yy.yy \
--user my_user \
--ssh-key ~/.ssh/my_key \
--ssh-port 22
use istio-system directory to deploy via kustomize
kubectl apply -k <kustomization_directory>
after this, manually change nodeAffinity in deployment. remove other arch values and change value to arm64 for istio-ingressgateway and istio-egressgateway deployments.
- matchExpressions:
- key: kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
- arm64
- weight: 2
- key: kubernetes.io/arch
operator: In
- amd64
]]>This article(The 'Batman Effect': How having an alter ego empowers you) was featured on HN best. It would be more
]]>This article(The 'Batman Effect': How having an alter ego empowers you) was featured on HN best. It would be more productive for you to have a separate machine and git profile to be more focused on side projects. But maintaining multiple profiles can be painful. Sometimes, it's easy to switch and commit your codes and push. So, I have my own setup to prevent a situation like that.
You can automate switching users based on directory.
For zsh,
switch_git_user() {
if [[ $PWD == "$HOME/user/git_repo" ]]; then
$HOME/bin/switch hack
cat ~/.gitconfig
with the switch script and precmd above, I can just switch git profile automatically.
]]>What happend after I attended kandddinsky conf in October? I found that I got too lazy. I bought Kindle and read DDD Distilled and other books. There were lots of crazy ideas going on in DAG based distributed ledger thingy. And I got interested in edge computing. Yeah, I remember I've read the article from HN about Webassembly, But I haven't gone to the end of the post. Today, I read it again.
Fastly launched https://www.fastlylabs.com/ recently and I was able to find code snippets that looks familiar to me from Tyler McMullen's talk about Fastly lab. Well, I guess I don't need AWS lambda for these any more.
Also, there are cool open source projects out there like noise from Perlin.net.
Well, this doesn't end here. Combined with a tool like intel's movidius neural compute stick which costs $70 and tinker boards, then you can have something poweful in your hand. As Perlin's dev team envisioned you can have quantum computing in your palm. Since those companies are doing it as of now. I think "A supercomputer in the palm of your hand." will happen very soon.
]]>in 90's, mp3 came up. and then lots of mp3 players showed up in the market. but in the end. ipod killed them all. and it evolved to iphone and it changed the world. It's about connecting dots for meaningful result to customers. And yes, they won't describe the future in detail. You need to live in the future by living on the edge without losing focus. And you need to see those dots and customer's pain clearly.
“We’ve seen this diagram for neural networks, social networks, organizational structures. I’ve found these diagrams almost unintelligible. They just convey connectivity and complexity.”
The prototype aims to demystify networks by allowing you to explore them virtually. To use it, you put on a VR headset and enter a three-dimensional timeline that is minimal and neutral on purpose–a counterbalance to more cinematic or illustrative VR experiences. Historically important women’s lives, drawn from a women’s history project at the New School, are visualized along the X axis. Each woman’s life stretches through the decades, represented by a long series of rectangles that symbolize years. Faint lines drawn between the women signify connections–friendships, correspondences, influences through the years.
blue ocean strategy is another one to see the gap.
]]>My motivations to use openfaas were,
I gave a tech talk to other developers at work with a demo and some people asked me to form a workshop. So, I cloned openfaas workshop repo and I got a permission from head of engineering to go through it 1 hour per week. In the beginning there were 17 devs. as time passes, people were not able to attend it because they were simply busy with their work.
Some people followed the lab notes if they were not able to attend the workshop. we have following lab note structure.
## Lab 5 - Create a Gitbot
[official openfaas lab5 note](https://github.com/openfaas/workshop/blob/master/lab5.md)
** feel free to update our notes.**
1. following the offical lab note
2. what we learned
3. ref
After 10th workshop session is done, i wanted to push this to the next phase. But there were concerns about openfaas from other devs. It's still young and people didn't want to use it for our production environment. But it is ok to use it for internal tools. Not used for production but the impact can be huge based on the problem I tackle. Luckily, head of frontend team was enthusiastic about using openfaas. Because i told him that i was able to write graphql functions that are connected to Neo4j. It needs to be polished but i was able to show the working query. The guy had a real problem. It was about having lots of PRs that are hanging for a long time. The repository is a legacy codes. And people hate to dive into legacy codes. Well, as a "smart developer", you can find ways to avoid the situation. in the end, the legacy repository ended up with those PRs that are waiting people to review and QA. It's not about serverless architecture. it's about code ownership and having a solid CI/CD work process. I suggested him to form a plan to do that. git-ops can be a candidate if it's well crafted with QA steps.
There might something I can help. And then I remembered OpenFaaS community is using Derek - a serverless 🤖 to manage PRs and issues.
If we add more "pipe lines" that makes sense to the frontend team, then we can use it to improve our daily work process. Yes, I agree that it's more about people problem. but it will accelerate the plan. Now, I found a chance to use openfaas at work at last. Good thing about my situation is that our backend will be broken into services and we're going to use kafka as our message queue. And it's possible to launch openfaas function with kafka-connector. (you can trigger your functions via sns, rabbit mq and cloud events too)
People will see it working and feel good about derek and automation for chores. If people start to add more features or functions then they might want to replicate the experience for production environment. we can do it with "stable" service like aws lambda in the beginning but it will cost money. then openfaas is a good option. isn't it?
]]>Message queues are the backbone of your services.
If you have gone through MVP and passed the monolithic situation, you are probably thinking about something has to be done. There are lots of problems on the table. Especially, your organization has grown more than 15 devs, then it's possible that they want to use python for ML, golang for infrastructure, elixir for graphql api endpoint, etc. There are various ways to make it happen. grpc can be 1 possibility. Or, you can use message ques. After booming of mobile apps and IOT, the server side should be scalable and maintainable. And it's true that you can't just stick with 1 programming language and treat it as a silver bullet. Docker was the answer to that chaos and kubernetes is the winning orchestration tool. still, you need to figure out how to break things down and put them in kubernetes. Openfaas is using Nats-streaming and there are multiple options(kafka, aws sns, CloudEvents, RabbitMQ) to trigger your serverless functions.
While investigating message queue options out there, I found that Kafka is used at NYT and usually have more scores on HN.
I found that openfaas is a good example for using Nats Streaming. FAQ doc says it supports memory or data store for messages.
And openfaas is using in memory store for messages. the following snippet is from openfaas' docker-compose.yml file. you can find kubernetes config from here
image: nats-streaming:0.6.0
# Uncomment the following port mappings if you wish to expose the
# NATS client and/or management ports
# ports:
# - 4222:4222
# - 8222:8222
command: "--store memory --cluster_id faas-cluster"
- functions
memory: 125M
memory: 50M
- 'node.platform.os == linux'
I wanted to "replay" messages if something goes wrong. and then I found this comment from this PR in nats-queue-worker
If you use a NATS Streaming server with memory store, it is true that if the server is restarted, since no state is being restored, the previously "connected" clients will stop receiving messages. Publishers would fail too since the server would reject published messages for unknown client IDs.
The streaming server and streaming clients communicate through some inboxes. When the Streaming server is restarted, since it lost that knowledge, it can't communicate with existing clients. Moreover, even internal subjects used to communicate between the server and its clients contain a unique id that won't be the same after the restart).
Note: If the NATS Streaming server connects to a non-embedded NATS Server, then if the NATS Server itself is restarted, that is fine, the client library's use of the underlying NATS connection will reconnect and everything would work fine (some timeout may occur for the operations that were inflight when the NATS server was restarted). This is because the Streaming server would still be running and its state maintained, so the communication can continue.
Now, I am curious if I change openfaas' nats-streaming config with PV like this, then will openfaas fetch the previous messages even though the streaming server is down or nats-queue-worker is restarted? I will play with it and write the following up article.
]]>update(3 Sep 2018) : updated installing openfaas on local kube part.
Update(26 Aug 2018) : I talked with Alex. He told me, "A single node on DigitalOcean with 4GB RAM should be quite cost effective, same with Scaleway using kubeadm. Minikube on your own system is also a good option or with Docker for Mac. (EKS is not cheap) - GKE might be one of the cheaper managed options"
There are many options to use openfaas. Mainly, docker swarm or kubernetes. Kubernetes formed into Cloud Native Computing Foundation. They also have exam materials for certified admin / dev. There are still lots of companies out there using docker swarm as their container orchestration tool. But the trend clearly shows us that kubernetes won the battle. CNCF is the result. It's explicit and configurable. But the problem is installing and maintaining kubernetes on AWS is quite complicated. it takes some time to get used to all setup. With digitalocean, it's fairly easy compare to aws. And after september of 2018, they would release kubernetes as a service. At this point, the pricing page is not there. They might charge it based on droplets.
Then, what would be the optiono to get used to openfaas on kubernetes without spending any money? There are 2 options. local setup and ibm cloud. There are pros and cons. With local setup, it will eat up your resource. And you would not be able to show what you've been playing to other people. As long as you have enough resource, then this is ok. With IBM cloud, you need to switch to pay as you go plan. basically, you need to give them your credit card number. but the "lite" plan doesn't charge you for it. 4GB ram. and it expires in a month. And you can't use ingress. just NodePort. Public IP exists.
The ugly part of serverless thingy is the hidden cost as described here. Openfaas can limit the maximum cost while having the scalability. You have the control. No vendor lock in.
I assume you're using OS X.
brew install kubernetes-cli
brew install kubectx
Install kubernetes and dashboard by following this github wiki page
kubectl config set-context docker-for-desktop
kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop
kubectl get all
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/src/deploy/recommended/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
kubectl describe services kubernetes-dashboard --namespace=kube-system
kubectl -n kube-system edit service kubernetes-dashboard
# edit .spec.type to NodePort
sudo kubectl proxy
visit the local dashboard
get your token to login to the dashboard
kubectl create serviceaccount jaigouk
kubectl get serviceaccounts jaigouk -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
# ...
- name: jaigouk-token-1yvwg
kubectl get secret jaigouk-token-6dztl -o yaml
echo xxxxx== | base64 --decode
install openfaas
The faas-netes controller is the most tested, stable and supported version of the OpenFaaS integration with Kubernetes. In contrast the OpenFaaS Operator is based upon the codebase and features from faas-netes, but offers a tighter integration with Kubernetes through CustomResourceDefinitions. This means you can type in kubectl get functions for instance.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openfaas/faas-netes/master/namespaces.yml
helm repo add openfaas https://openfaas.github.io/faas-netes/
helm repo update \
&& helm upgrade openfaas --install openfaas/openfaas \
--namespace openfaas \
--set functionNamespace=openfaas-fn \
--set operator.create=true
# generate a random password
export GW_PASS=$(head -c 16 /dev/random |shasum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
kubectl -n openfaas create secret generic basic-auth \
--from-literal=basic-auth-user=admin \
helm upgrade --reuse-values openfaas openfaas/openfaas \
--set basic_auth=true
# verify it's running
kubectl --namespace=openfaas get deployments -l "release=openfaas, app=openfaas"
kubectl proxy
echo $GW_PASS | faas-cli login --gateway="" -u admin --password-stdin
visit http://localhost:31112/ui/
username is admin and password is $GW_PASS value
if you have trouble, visit https://github.com/openfaas/faas-netes/blob/master/chart/openfaas/README.md for details
the IBM cloud gives us free 1 node kubernetes instance that expires in a month. As long as you automated everything then, it wouldn't be a big problem to play with it. For example, you can try "GitLab + OpenFaaS for Serverless CI/CD on Kubernetes". Check their free versus stand plan features from this doc.
# Download and install a few CLI tools and the IBM Kubernetes Service plug-in.
curl -sL https://ibm.biz/idt-installer | bash
ibmcloud login -a https://api.eu-de.bluemix.net
ibmcloud cs region-set eu-central
ibmcloud cs cluster-config gunship
export KUBECONFIG=/Users/$USER/.bluemix/plugins/container-service/clusters/gunship/kube-config-mil01-gunship.yml
kubectl get nodes
let's deploy openfaas.
git clone https://github.com/openfaas/faas-netes
# create name space
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openfaas/faas-netes/master/namespaces.yml
cd faas-netes && \kubectl apply -f ./yaml
# memory usage is 327MB
check your cluster's public ip. visit kubernetes dashboard and find the openfaas namespace. in Discovery and load balancing > Services > gateway
, you will be able to see port that is exposed.
running 2x4(2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB HDD) cluster costs $77.76 for 744 hours(31 days). it's worth waiting for digital ocean's kubernetes solution at this point.
brew install kubernetes-helm
helm init --canary-image --upgrade
Kubernetes Resource Explorer
krex in action - tail logs
krex in action - describe & tail logs
krex in action - sh into pod
# installing
brew install ncurses
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig
ln -s /usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig/formw.pc /usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig/form.pc
ln -s /usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig/menuw.pc /usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig/menu.pc
ln -s /usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig/panelw.pc /usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig/panel.pc
go get -u github.com/kris-nova/krex
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kris-nova/krex
make all
Fast way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl
kubectx in action
kubens in action
# installing
brew install kubectx
]]>I wanted to play with serverless architecture but I didn't want to spend money before I get used to the concept. 1 year ago, I tried to do that and ended up using all credits on aws. What would be the cheaper way to learn it? I have been exploring the options. rpi is good but it only has 1GB ram. And then, I encountered asus tinker board. So, I gave it a shot. I bought 3 tinker boards(ARM-Cortex-A17 4x 1.8GHz, 2GB RAM, WLAN, Bluetooth) and 32GB sd cards and etc. I spend 303 euros.
I followed Karol Stepniewski's blog post and forked his repo. I used latest armbian image and Network part was fine opposed to his blog post.
Now, it's time to dig into OpenFaaS.
]]>Recently, I watched google i/o tech talks and I found that progressive web + physical web is quite interesting. I had an idea that i want to play with Bluetooth Low Energy devices. For prototying the idea, I bought a raspberry pi zero w. (yup. this is my second one). Before watching the techtalk, rpi0 meant nothing to me. Because I always wanted to have powerful small computers that I can make a cluster. Now, it makes sense to play with rpi0w. it's a good fit for me to play with it to prototype physical web related ideas.
In your mix.exs
add rpi0_ble
def deps("rpi0") do
[{:nerves_runtime, "~> 0.1.0"},
{:"nerves_system_rpi0_ble", github: "jaigouk/nerves_system_rpi0_ble", tag: "v0.0.4", runtime: false},
{:nerves_interim_wifi, "~> 0.1.0"}]
burn your sdcard with following commands.
MIX_TARGET=rpi0 mix deps.get
MIX_TARGET=rpi0 mix firmware
#Burn to an SD card with
MIX_TARGET=rpi0 mix firmware.burn
the image has iptables, ssh, erlang, node.js, bluez, git, vi, etc
. Because it's for prototyping a ble app and testing it.
I need to customize the default rpi0 because i need to add bluez. I found this tutorial from adafruit. Since nerves-project is using buildroot, there must be a way to add the libarary to my rpi0. And then I found this blog post
I referenced this slide and getting started doc from nerves-project.
install and download libraries we need
sudo apt-get install git g++ libssl-dev libncurses5-dev bc m4 make unzip cmake
git clone [email protected]:nerves-project/nerves-system-br.git
git clone [email protected]:jaigouk/nerves_system_rpi0_ble.git
mkdir -p ~/.nerves/cache/buildroot
nerves_system_br/create-build.sh nerves_system_rpi0_ble/nerves_defconfig ~/.nerves/cache/buildroot
cd ~/.nerves/cache/buildroot
Now, let's configure our linux image.
make menuconfig
make linux-menuconfig
make busybox-menuconfig
make menuconfig
will launch gui that helps you to add extra packages. I want to add iptables, git
│ Prompt: git
│ Location:
│ -> Target packages
│ -> Development tools
│ Prompt: iptables
│ Location:
│ -> Target packages
│ -> Networking applications
open ssh
│ Prompt: openssh
│ Location:
│ -> Target packages
│ -> Networking applications
Prompt: openssl
│ Location:
│ -> Target packages
│ -> Libraries
│ -> Crypto
you can even find nginx, wireshark,etc
in networking applications.
Run make savedefconfig
after make menuconfig
to update the nerves_defconfig in your System. it will spit out results like this.
umask 0022 && make -C /home/jaigouk/nerves_system_br/buildroot-2016.11.1 O=/home/jaigouk/.nerves/cache/buildroot/. savedefconfig
GEN /home/jaigouk/.nerves/cache/buildroot/Makefile
│ Prompt: Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) features
│ Location:
│ -> Networking support (NET [=y])
│ -> Bluetooth subsystem support (BT [=y])
Run make linux-savedefconfig
and cp build/linux-x.y.z/defconfig <your system>
umask 0022 && make -C /home/jaigouk/nerves_system_br/buildroot-2016.11.1 O=/home/jaigouk/.nerves/cache/buildroot/. linux-savedefconfig
we can add vim, grep, ifconfig, ping, ps, top, free, etc
with following command. busybox-menuconfig only works when busybox is enabled.
make busybox-menuconfig
this is what getstarted doc says.
If your system doesn’t contain a custom Linux configuration yet, you’ll need to update the Buildroot configuration to point to the new Linux defconfig in your system directory. The path is usually something like
$( )/linux-x.y_defconfig
For Busybox, the convention is to copybuild/busybox-x.y.z/.config
to a file in the System repository. Like the Linux configuration, the Buildroot configuration will need to be updated to point to the custom config.
So I copied defconfig
to nerves_system_rpi0_ble/linux-4.4.defconfig
and .config
to nerves_system_rpi0_ble/nerves_defconfig
now my custom rpi0 config is ready to be used.
]]>I moved to Berlin 1 month ago. I was curious what it's like to be in startup eco in Berlin. As a Korean, I heard good things about it. Lots of game companies and devs moved to Germany from South Korea for lots of reasons.
I talked with
]]>I moved to Berlin 1 month ago. I was curious what it's like to be in startup eco in Berlin. As a Korean, I heard good things about it. Lots of game companies and devs moved to Germany from South Korea for lots of reasons.
I talked with my colleagues in Berlin. U.S is not an ideal place for asian tech people to stay any more. Well, especially in these days, Trump is making it worse day by day. On HN, I saw an article that says tech companies in Silicon Valley started to think about relocating to Vancouver. The news about immigrants in U.S is familiar to me. Because I also have gone through those situations when I visited U.S before.
I hope wealth is more distributed by new political actions. Otherwise, people will not be able to contain their anger.
Anyways, it has been 1 month in Berlin now. I hope I can meet lots of awesome hackers here.